Special thanks are due the many individuals who have helped to turn the vision of Bible Fluency into a reality:
- The following individuals for substantial financial support to produce these materials: Bob and Patty Ladd, Steve and Dana Janney, Scott and Patsy Steele, along with other anonymous donors. Each of the individuals listed also lent a lot of general encouragement to continue pursuing this project.
- The following vocalists from Redemption Hill Church who sang on the music CD: Dana Johnson (Pentateuch), Christine Estrada (History), Grace Berding (Poetry & Wisdom), Katie Niles (Prophets), Scott Himes (Gospels), Ciara Green (Acts & Letters of Paul), Craig Allen (General Letters & Revelation).
- Jeff Darcy at JD Relic for recording and mixing the musical tracks, and Mitch Krebs for his great guitar riffs.
- Austin Axen for setting a visual language for the program, for his dedicated work on designing hundreds of learning icons for the flashcards to represent concepts that were often complicated, plus assistance on the website, promotional materials, the workbook layout, and the design of the logo.
- Thatcher Kelly for filming and producing the teaching videos and for filming the testimonials.
- The following individuals for counsel and tangible help ranging from financial and legal to the creative arts, from teaching pedagogy to branding, from website design to video production: Robert Bishop, Craig Allen, Joanne Jung, Steve Janney, Adam Morris, Matt Williams, Tom Buckles, Brian Wilson, Jeanne Barron, Jerry Mackey, Gary Parrett, David Riley, Jane Carr, Jonathan Puls, Kyle Bonenberger, Sue Stephenson, Dick Toney, Amanda Kadlubek, Alan Martin, Laura Cornman, Michael Godshall, Randy King, Stephanie King, Drew Berding, Brian Ulrich, Jon and Laura Meno, Koreen Hustad, Walt Harrah, Todd Rosencrans, Brian Lemos, Cliff Cramp, Jon Lunde, John and Lisa Todd, Kourtney Jackson, Dennis Bredow, Stetson Butler, Joe Verardo, David Wahlman, Jesse Eason, Trudi, Lydia, Grace, Ela, and Ana Berding.
- The Overseers of Redemption Hill Church for taking this on as a ministry of the church, encouraging three years of beta testing classes at the church, allowing use of the prayer chapel for filming, and for providing oversight and leadership to the project.
- Daniel Chang and the students of his advanced graphic design class at Biola University for helping develop an early "visual language" for portraying the Pentateuch through simple images. Students in the class who worked on the project included: Group 1: Nikole Sparks (project lead), Kevin Burch, Rebecca Dimarzio, Jesse Greenwood. Group 2: Steven Reynolds (project lead), Lydia Westerhaus, Danielle Camorlinga, Eunice Suh, Eric Adams. Group 3: Brooke Cantu, Jordan Avila, Matt Perdue, Alex Campbell. Additional thanks belongs to Daniel Chang for mentoring Austin Axen and for counsel.
- Melody Thibodeau for transcription of recorded messages in preparation for video recording.
- Peter Brown for his work on website updating.
- Dwayne and Jenifer Condon for music sequencing and vocals on the demo recording.
- Students of the Old Testament Fluency in 12 Weeks classes and the New Testament Fluency in 12 Weeks classes at Redemption Hill Church as well as students in classes at Nyack College and Biola University who tried out early versions of the songs.
- Biola University for a Faculty Development Grant (administered at the time by Chris Grace) to create a demo recording for use in classes.
- The following individuals for feedback on the learning icon flashcards: Dennis Bredow, Chelsea Janzen, Drew Berding, Trudi Berding, Lisa Todd, Phil and Loann Martinez, Cathy Winans, Frank Rinaldi, Norma Santamaria, Sarah McAlpine, Susie McAlpine, Ashley Cummings.
- Candace Yeats and Richard Kolb for suggesting edits for the workbook.
- Neil Comstock for video editing the promotional videos.
- The following individuals for offering video testimonials (even though they couldn't all be aired): Grace Berding, Amy Hernandez, Megan Hernandez, Ashley Hernandez, Robert Hockenberrry, Joseph Lamb, Esther Lauesen, Ruth Lauesen, David Lenton, Josh Lindsay, John Meno, Teresa Nelson, Dakota Nelson, Frank Rinaldi, Luann Robinson, Ryan Schuhler, Torrey Schuhler, Sandy Schneeberger, Dick Toney, Reid Winans.
- Weaver Book Company - and Jim Weaver in particular - for having the vision and foresight to partner with an out-of-the-box project like Bible Fluency and publish the physical resources: Workbook, Flashcards, CD, and DVD.
- Alexander Bukovietski for the layout of DVD and CD packaging, other design elements, and project management leading to publication.
- Emily Varner, Jenna Bartlo, Susan Ishii, Brett McCracken, and Jason Newell for marketing suggestions and encouragement.
- Ana Berding for constructing the music and icons slideshow.
- There have been so many other people who have contributed in one way or another to this project, especially members of Redemption Hill Church. Many apologies if we have failed to include you here - and please don't hesitate to let us know so we can add you to this list. Thank you to all of you who have contributed to this ministry!